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Friday, February 19, 2010

My Power Mall Is Not Dead


Hi All

Sorry for the delay in posting this.

I have been totally devastated with the closing of MPM. You see for the last two years I had built a huge portion of my entire Internet Business around MPM. I have placed thousands of ads and set up 100's of websites promoting this program.

For me MPM was never about how much money I could make. Before I ever heard of MPM I had already established a very successful Internet Home Business helping Home Business Owners and promoting various programs and software. But MPM offered me a way to make a difference and to save money on auto-pilot for my grandchildren.

It was a business I felt even my children would do and it's always been my dream to have a business that my whole family especially my children would be involved with.

When MPM came along I immediately saw that here was a program that could help anybody & everybody. It was truly a program that could actually make a difference in the world.

There were and still are thousands of companies that offer ways to earn income but there was not one, and I mean that literally not one other company on the entire Internet that offered a way to make a difference in the world or that would provide a way to empower people. Today there are many copycats.

I saw MPM as a business I could offer others for free and then help them to generate a growing residual income from what they were already doing anyway. It was a business that was impossible to fail. It was a no brain-er to me. It was not just a solution, IT WAS THE SOLUTION.

The more I learned about MPM and Ginny the more excited I became because I saw and even allowed myself to vision and feel the end results - the solution to most peoples financial problems, wow did that feel good. I also truly believed that it was a company that was connected to Divine Energies.

When I saw Ginny's last video I never for one minute believed that MPM would close down. I interpreted it as just another hurdle we had to get over. After all, we had already been through numerous changes and set backs and we had overcome them all.

So the video to me was not really taken serious. I had no idea that the company was seriously in jeopardy of shutting down. I assumed it was just a move to get the members to concentrate on doing more shopping. Plus, even if there was a problem it never occurred to me that it was something that needed to be rectified in a week or couple of days.

I saw the video as a message to the members that if we didn't become move active in shopping on our malls that severe changes would have to be made in the near future like within six months or by the end of the year. So, I just went out and did some more massive advertising and set up about 20 more social networking websites trying to generate more members.

So, when one week after viewing Ginny's video I get the email and in Ginny's own words MPM IS DEAD I was in total shock. I could not believe what I was reading. I don't know how it effected you guys but I can tell you it hurt me dearly. I was totally blown away. It was like I just received news that a close family member had passed away.

My heart immediately went out to Ginny. I reflected on her words, MPM IS DEAD. That indicated that it's not on hold, it's not taken a step back or being revamped. It meant over, done, finished with no thought of coming back. It's still very hard for me to believe that. Remember, I believed that divine energies were connected to MPM.

I now see that the divine energies were not connected to MPM but rather they were and are connected to Ginny Dye. I can only hope and pray that she realizes and knows that her vision and dream with the demise of MPM will now excel and expand in TOGETHER WE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD.

To me MPM was much more than a company it was Divine Energy. I know this by the Feelings I have from just being a part of it. To be able to help not just someone but anyone is a great feeling to have. It not my fault that everyone didn't feel that feeling.

It was a great feeling knowing that every dollar I spent or as I looked at every dollar leaving my hand knowing that a part of that had already went into a fund for my grandchildren.

Even though there were many times money left my hand that didn't go into the fund it was a great feeling to be mad about that and just knowing that most of the times it would.

For those of you who did this. You finally got your American Express Card and then used it to buy gas or groceries. Yes, it took a while for you to finally do it but you tell me, wasn't that a great feeling when you realized you had already made some money off the money you were now spending. Heck, it feels good right now and MPM is closed.

MPM is closed yes but it is not dead. Because it is the Energy, the Vision, that I connected to and that my friends will never die.

So, anyway enough of my rambling.

With the lost of MPM I have been searching and searching for something to replace it with. A Company that is compatible, has strong leadership but more importantly based on making a difference in the world. For your information this is what and who I've decided to go with.

Wishing You All the Best Of The Best and Nothing But Success


"In the face of adversity, uncertainty and conflicting sensory information,

I hereby pledge to remain ever mindful of the Magical, Infinite, Loving Reality I live in.

A reality that conspires tirelessly in my favor.

I further recognize, that living within space and time, as a Creation amongst my Creations, is the ultimate adventure, because Thoughts Become Things, Dreams Come True, and all things remain forever possible.

As a Being of Light, I hereby resolve to Live, Love and Be Happy, at all costs, no matter what, with reverence and kindness for All.

So be it!"

As Beings of Light - We Know all Things! As humans, we have a tendency not to remember those things we need to know most. This creates illusion and struggle.

I want to remind you who you really are and what you can really be.

Herbert Gordon, dba DrMillionaire
Consultant & Coach
For Home Business Owners
Teaching The Art Of Working Smart