Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My Futher World Changer Family

Good Morning,

I hope this finds you all in the best of health and all is well.

Today I want you all to lift your head, raise your hands and shout to the heavens, because this is the day Creation has given you.

I want you to realize that this is your day and your time. This is a important time that you have been given to live on this planet. Important not only for you but for all man kind.

Do you think it is just a coincidence or an accident that you are living here on the planet at this time?! Is that even remotely possible?

No it is not.

I am here to tell you that you are living here on this planet at this time for a reason. It is not a coincidence and it is certainly not an accident. I believe you are here now because you were allowed this honor.

Yes, honor.

My friend this is a time of unprecedented change. And we have been given the honor to participate and help in creating a new and better world.

When I graduated from Cheyney State University and moved to Hartford CT. to work with a insurance company in 1969, black Americans in many states were still using "colored" rest room's. They couldn't drink from the same water fountains white people used. I personally remember watching on TV the group known as the KKK meet under a burning cross to celebrate there "white supremacy" with an attitude of to hell with everyone that was not like them. That was over 40 years ago.

Then, last fall we elected a president who is not only black, but the son of an African emigrant. To say that times have changed well that would be an understatement.

That is the kind of change I once would have called "unthinkable". A change that to the entire world was not even believable. And yet today in this time the unthinkable and unbelievable has happened.

So you see I've changed. You've changed. The whole world has changed. We are all here in this time to do our part in helping change the world and making it a better place for all. That's why we are here.

The question is do you realize that and are you ready for it?

Regardless of what doubts you may have. Regardless of all the rhetoric and machinations. Regardless of where you live or where you were born or what you do or how much you think you know...

You must recognize in your heart that the world has changed. And that it has changed dramatically. But even with these changes the world is still in turmoil.

Today every single business I've talked to is hurting.

Today every single person I know is in some way affected.

So even though the world has changed dramatically overnight for the good, there is much that must be done.. And I believe that that is why we are all here in this day and time. We are here to help make a difference in the world. We are here to help make these changes work. What do we live for if not to make the world less difficult for each other?

We have been given the honor of helping rebuild our world.

Reshaping it into a cleaner, friendlier, happier, safer, richer and more abundant world.

I am, personally, filled with joy knowing I have the opportunity to do my part to bring peace, love and lasting abundance to the planet earth. To break the established bounds of what is and what is not possible. To see with my own eyes and not the eyes of others. To know for myself what I can and cannot do. To know who I am and what I can become.

My friends change is certainly upon us, now. And you are either part of the problem or part of the solution.

Which are you? I hope and pray you join us.

"I believe that persistent effort, supported by a character-based foundation, will enable us all to get more of the things money will buy and all of the things money won't buy." And if you're not ready to deal and help with that change then these great changes we are experiencing in the world today won't benefit you..

Become a WORLD CHANGER and you can help make a difference in the world.

We need your help. We need you to do all that you can do. We want you to be all you can be. You have more power inside you than you can possibly imagine and it is there waiting.

Are you ready to use it? Are you ready to step forward and join the ranks of a WORLD CHANGER - TOGETHER WE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD?

We'll show you how.


One day years from now, the world will celebrate this change of which we are a part of. They may not know or ever speak our names. But they will know and they will remember the effects we create this day. We few, we brave few who step forward even as the tides of change cast the old world asunder.

And when they talk about this day they will say, "Oh, if only I could have lived then. What a glorious day that was."

The world has changed.

Are you ready for it?

To be apart of changing and enhancing lives is a feeling no amount of money can duplicate. I am truly grateful for the World Changer Mall and all the people who are apart of this giving and generous company.

Join the WORLD CHANGERS and discover the power we have when we work together, right now and you will open the doors to a powerful, vital, abundant future for you, your family and for all those who will follow.

This isn't just any difficult time. This is your time. This is your day.

Join us, now.

This Program Will Allow You To Do Your Part - It Will Definitely Change Your Life.

Plus, realize this important fact. When you set up your own World Changer Mall you're not just going to make a difference in your life and the lives of your family, you are going to be actively taking part with over 150,000 every day ordinary people from all over the world in making a difference in the world.

"We will receive not what we idly wish for but what we justly earn. Our rewards will always be in exact proportion to our service" and World Changers provide one of the greateest services in the world.

We Empower People.

You can make this a great day for you and your family by purchasing your World Changer Mall and begin today sharing this concept with others.

Plus here's something very important that I want you to realize.

It is absolutely impossible not to generate a growing monthly income once you build your World Changer Mall.


STOP: Read that again and notice I said Growing Monthly Income.

This is truly a God Given Ordained Opportunity waiting for you.

The destiny of each and every person will be measured in many ways, but as and overall Spiritual Energy, one of the most fundamental factors is Service To Others Before Service To Self.

It is a fundamental Principal of our Spiritual Evolution, along with realizing our Source, God within and Unconditional Love for all Creation.

I will say this again, "We will receive not what we idly wish for but what we justly earn. Our rewards will always be in exact proportion to our service."

I Believe that one of the greatest ways to help others and thereby help myself is to show people a way forward.

My Friend, trust what you feel when I tell you this is truly a way forward.

I wish every one of you every success with this One and Only truly World Changing Opportunity

The Firm & Consistent Progress Of One Family (United World Changers) Is The Higher Self in Physical Form.

If you have any questions after reviewing the video feel free to contact me. I am simply a servant of the Light within us all. But please, don't call me unless you have watched the video.

Have a wonderful day and remember to live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, share and be the best to yourself.

Herbert Gordon
Consultant & Coach
For Home Business Owners
860 386-9022

PS. If you look at the economy today now is a time more than ever that you need to seriously consider in Investing In Yourself, to start your own Home Business and to intelligently Create Insurance For Your Income.

PPS: When you become a World Changer you automatically place yourself in the position where YOUR MONEY IS MAKING YOU MONEY. Trust me when I tell you it won't ever get any better than that.

Our dream is to inspire millions of ordinary people to not only join and make a difference in the world but To BE The Difference In Their World.

My gift to you today. Listen to the TWCCTW Song.

1 comment:

Big Z and his Mom said...


It's wonderful to have you back and posting such powerful and inspirational messages.

Wishing you joy and peace~~~~