Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Three Day Journal

Hello Fellow Boot Camp Members,

My apologies to you all for not doing my part in posting daily but please know I am totally committed to do what we have been assigned to do. It's just that sometimes no matter how well laid out my plans are life gets in the way.

MONDAY - 11/24/08

I was away for the weekend and returned home late Sunday and found out that World Changer Reality Boot Camp had started. To tired to set up the first five steps I told myself that I would get some sleep get up early like 4 AM and complete my set up. However I didn't wake up until 8:00 AM. Awaiting in my email box was already a email from Ginny informing me that I was the only one who had not completed the sign up and she wanted to know if I had changed my mind.

I immediately sent her an email and told her I would have it completed by 10:00 AM and I indeed wanted to be apart of what I believe we will all one day look back on as one of the greatest events of this company.

So quick as a bunny I proceeded to complete my set up. Email to Ginny that I accept. It specifically said read requirement first. Did I do that? No. I didn't care what they were I wanted to be a part of this no matter what. So off and running I go, blog done, send blog address to Ginny & Jackie done, send picture done. It's 9:30 AM
only half hour left. Next step add to your story my mind says what story. Email says it's at the end of the letter. Scroll down read my story. What should I add. Thinking thinking it's 9:45. Starting to sweat. Decide story will have to do as is.
Foundation mall I have one but forgot the number. Rush to my site, go into back office pull up geneolgy report. Loading loading come on I say to the computer, 9:50 really sweating now scalp is itching. Ok it's uploaded searching searching find it. Ok foundation done. Next item says film your first video. I go oh no I doomed. Don't have a camcorder. It's now 9:59 so I send all completed information to Ginny and explain I'll do video later. Whew.

Now I finish reading the letter and see we are to get together everyday by phone 8:00AM or 5:00PM. So I go take shower make coffee and join the 8:00 a clock call. WOW

After the call I head out to my day job. I am a consultant and I'm curently working on two major projects as the owners representative. I monitor the projects on the owners behalf. I do this really on the side to force myself to get out of the house and away from my computer because my full time job is Internet Marketing. I literally live on the computer. If I didn't do this on the side I would be sitting at the computer 10 - 12 hours a day.

There are a total of 37 people curently working on these projects. I spoke to all of them today and to my surprise 28 don't even have a computer. Needless to say not one person was interested. I realized that for what ever reason construction workers are just not interested in a home base business and those who did have computers don't have time. They are all burned out at the end of the day and just want to go home and rest. Plus most of these guys make 200 - 400 dollars per/day. They are not the ideal persons for what I am offering.

Tuesday - 11/25/08

Today during lunch time I speak to four people at a local resturant, the cashier at the gas station, the owner of the cleaners and people I came in contact with at a 7-11 convience store. Not interested. But I'm determined to have my five before I call in tonight.

I don't have anybody else to talk to at the job site because I already spoke to everybody here yesterday. So from there I leave and head to rehearsal. I am also a part time actor and also do voice over work year round in different neighborhood productions. Rehersal is from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM but I have to leave early because I need to be on the call at 8:00 PM. So I make an announcement at rehearsal about the World Changer Reality Boot Camp Program and four people give me there information. I get home at 8:45 PM and immediately call in. While on the call I get a call from one of the members who signed up at rehearsal who tells me her mother would also like to receive the information. Wa-La, I have my five.

On the call I find out we are suppose to get five everyday for the next 60 days. I thought we were just suppose to get five and then work with them to get five, then those five to get five and so on.. I had it all wrong.

Now for me that's not really going to be a problem but it does change how I go about doing this.

Wednesday 11/26/08

When I arrive a the job site I find that the Project Manager has hired a new administrative assistant. We get to talking and it turns out she lives in the same apartment complex I use to live in and she actually lives in my old unit D-2. This is what people call a coincidence but I know there is no such thing as a coincidence. Coincidences are really miracles in motion. I realize immediately that we were suppose to meet. I tell her about the program and she is really excited about getting more information. There is only one problem. She does not have a computer and her email address is to her phone. She says look Herbert if you can show me how I can be earning $2000 per/mo in 60 days I'll go to the library and do it. My kinda girl. A can do will do get done person. So I made an appointment to go by her house on Saturday with my lap top and show her the program.

I am happy that I have at least one person to log in today.

Well tonight on the call Ginny and Jackie both made me aware that this progrma is based on five people per/day and I still had time to go out and get the other four. It has sunk in now that this boot camp training is based on getting five people daily and that it's mandatory. No excuses, do what ever we have to do, talk to as many people as we have to but get five people. Now I understand totally what we are expected to do.

Just got off the call so I will be calling people I know until I get those four more.

Folks I believe we are a part of something extrodinary as members of My Power Mall and as World Changers we can and will make a difference in the world and I am going to attack this with invincible determination.

To be selected as one of the 25 to participate in this effort when you consider that there are over 148,000 members to me is not only a great honor but a unique privilege. We have been given an opportunity to spread a message of success and prosperity that is available for all people.

People are looking for what we have to offer. In fact they need what we have to offer. We just have to go out there and show them where to find it.

Folks having mentors like Ginny and Jackie and this wonderful boot camp allowes us to create success for ourselves and others so much faster and easier than doing it by yourself.

That's why I am so passionate about sharing World Changers with everyone.

We can do this. OH YES WE CAN.

To all those who are reading this. This is a God Given Opportunity.

If you want to learn more.

1 comment:

Ginny Dye said...

Good morning! So... how did getting the other 4 go? I know your power - I have met you and felt it - so I'm excited to hear how you did it. :)

Happy Thanksgiving!
