Monday, May 16, 2011


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The great and most important issue before the people today is the development of......
"Man's Spiritual Mind" and through it Unity With God. . . .

The taproot of all our confusion is our failure to use our mind intelligently.

Your Mind Is Your Power

We can only think as God would have us think by adjusting our thoughts to divine ideas.

Religion and all that it implies in prayer and recognition of God is an idea and that his manifestation is the one and only way out of the chaos in which we find ourselves.

We must therefore begin at once to develop this unity with the Father-Mind by incorporating divine ideas into all that we think and speak."
What have thought concentration and discovery of the dynamic character of the atom to do with prayer? 
They have everything to do with prayer.

Prayer is the opening of communication (connection) between the mind of the so called human man and the mind of God, the human man's feelings)))))))

Prayer is the exercise of faith in the presence and power of the unseen God. 
Supplication, faith, meditation, silence, concentration, are simply mental attitudes that enter into and form part of prayer.

When one understands that the spiritual character of God's connection to the so called human is not to the man but a connection to the human mans ((((((((((((((((vibration)))))))))))))))))) which is his Feelings.)))))))))))

Only when man understands this basic truth and learns that it is his Feelings = Vibrations that are the master and controller that determines and adjusts himself mentally to connect to the Omnipresent God-Mind.

Meaning, always focus on what YOU are vibrating. He who does this has begun.

When we awake to the fact that every breath we draw is releasing this all-potent electronic energy and that it is this energy that is shaping our lives for good or ill, according to our faith, then and only then we shall begin to search for the law that will guide us aright in the use of our power.

Your Mind Is Your Power

The Power of Your Mind Is Your Thoughts.)))))))
People the world over were amazed and terrified when they read of the destruction brought on the cities and people of Japan by two atomic bombs.

But do we realize that millions of people are killed every year by Atomic Force?

Doctors tell us that it is the toxin generated in our own bodies that kills us. But they don't tell us what causes or  what produces this destructive toxic force? 
It's your mind that produces it. How and what we focus our thinking on is the cause. Fear, worry, doubt, hate, revenge and anger just to name a few. And because it is produced by the thinking process within our own minds, the remedy must be in making a change in our mind on how and what we think about.

Paul expressed this when he said, "Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind."
There must be a change of mind by the people of the earth before the tremendous uplift to be wrought by atomic energy can become beneficial and permanent.
Greed and selfishness will find a way to exploit itself to boost their ambition unless they are taught the truth.

We should therefore redouble our efforts to show man that the power that rules the world is within him.

"Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world."

Your Mind Is Your Power.

Your Power Is Your Thoughts

Your Thoughts Are Energy

Thought Energy Is All Vibration.

When you become consciously aware of your vibrations (feelings) at all times and take control of what your feeling you will attain A Spiritual Mind" and through it Unity With God.

Peace. Love & Gods Blessings.

Herbert Gordon

Spiritual Clearings: Sacred Practices to Release Negative Energy and Harmonize Your Life

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