Saturday, December 6, 2008

Saturdays Journal

Saturday December 06, 2008

Today I did not go out canvassing. Now I did go to my job site for two hours but I came right home. I have a sore throat and my body is letting me know it is trying to fight off a cold. So whenever my body warns me with symptoms; scratchy throat, running nose and soreness I immediately shut my body down. I do as little moving around as possible allowing it to use as much energy as it can to correct (heal) the problem. I rest. I slept most of the day.

I did not do any calls or anything today I just rested. I already feel much better. I will do my follow ups, some advertising send out my business letters and also rest tomorrow. I guarantee you come Monday I'll be as fit as new.

Yesterday on the call I attempted to explain what those of you who have a hard time approaching people can do. I recommended that you practice speaking to people in front of the mirror. You will be amazed as to how much easier it will be for you to talk to people if you do that everyday before you go out.

When you are practicing I want you to practice what ever it is you are going to say to them and then let yourself experience all different scenarios. Just pretend, this person said no, this person said I'm sorry I don't have time to talk. This person gave you a look and kept walking, this person said yes. Do it over and over by yourself with yourself.

But here is what you do when you practice. No matter what scenario your pretending they said, you're response will always be to smile and say thank you. Now remember you're doing this in front of a mirror. Yes I know your talking to yourself. And most of us were taught that people who talk to themselves are crazy. LOL You're not crazy and trust me this will make it so much easier for you to talk to people.

I want you to get to a point where there's nothing that anyone can say to you that you haven't already practiced. Just remember no matter what they say you're response is to smile and say thank you. If you master this you will no longer have any anxiety, fears or worries about what people are thinking or what they are going to say when you talk to them.

You have not failed at what your doing because someone you just tried to help said no. There no has nothing to do with you it has everything to do with them.

Trust me when I tell you most of the people we talk to aren't even listening to what we are saying. They are engrossed in their problems, their own person dramas. Life is tough for most people today. We are all worried about something. Plus 90% of those that do hear you immediately don't believe you. Why? Because it sounds to good to be true. Especially if your using the line excuse me, My name is Herbert Gordon can I ask you a quick question. Would you be interested in learning about a company I'm working with that will allow you to Save and Earn Income On Everything You Buy. They do not believe you. Even those who say sure I would and give you the information do not believe it. That's why you want to get them to watch the video.

Last month I was at the super market and a lady with two young kids was leaving the store with a cart overflowing with groceries. Her cart was so full that she was using her body to keep things from falling out. I approached her and said excuse me miss My name is ___________ and I'm doing a survey for a maketing company. Can I ask you one quick question? She has not stopped walking so I'm walking beside her. Some of her groceries fall out of the cart so she stops. I pick up the packages hand it to her and say would you be interested in learning how you could have earned income for everything you just brought. How you can get paid for buying groceries. She looked at me with a smirk and said look buddy get lost. I smiled said Thank You and went on my way. I would have handed her a card but I didn't have them then. Folks she didn't hear a word I said. LOL

You see even though MY POWER MALL TOGETHER WE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD is a business that everybody can benefit from, everybody isn't ready for it. But our business will always be ready when they are finally ready for it. And as sure as the sun will shine tomorrow sooner or later they will be ready.

Peace, Love and God's Blessings.

Herbert Gordon
860 386-9022

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