Thursday, December 25, 2008

Thank You Thank You & Merry Christmas

Hello My Friends,

I received this today from a friend and decided to send it to all of my My Power Mall firends as I could not have said it any better.

As the Christmas holiday passes and the new year approaches here in the United States, I want to be sure that you know I am very Grateful for YOU.

Why, you ask?

Well, you see I believe I create my own experiences and that every experience serves a purpose in my growth as a human being and as a spiritual being.

And YOU, my friend, are in my life... for a reason.

I do not believe in coincidence.

I am Grateful for YOU.

If you are receiving this message from me you are either subscribed to my newsletter or we belong to a mutual discussion group or you are a business associate of mine.

In any event, you ARE in my life and you do serve a purpose in my life.

I am Grateful for YOU.

I want to acknowledge YOU and be sure that you know that I know that whatever success I have achieved, especially in my online ventures, includes YOU as a part of that success in some capacity.... just as I hope that I have also contributed in some way to your success and prosperity.

THANK YOU for finding your way into my life!

I am Grateful for YOU.

Know that you are loved and appreciated not only during this special time of the year but also EVERY DAY.

If you are in the United States, I wish for you a Merry Christmas filled with friends and family who bring joy, love and peace into your life.

If you are outside the United States I invite you also to celebrate the day with gratitude for everything and everyone in your life.

Regardless of your perceived current circumstances, there is ALWAYS something for which to be grateful. Always.

By expressing our gratitude we invite and attract more of what we truly desire into our lives.

I am expressing my gratitude and appreciation for YOU.

I am Grateful for YOU.

Many blessings today and every day for your joy, abundance and well being.

Merry Christmas

In love, gratitude, and

GOD's Infinite Blessings.


Herbert Gordon

"Don't spend your precious time asking 'Why isn't the world a better place?' It will only be time wasted. The question to ask is 'How can I make it better?' To that there is an answer." AND MY FRIENDS YOU HAVE IT.

Use This Link (or copy/paste the URL below) to update or edit your information.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Thursday Journal

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Well I just got up and I'm feeling quite well considering every thing.

I have not been posting or out contacting people for a week now.

I woke up Sunday with fever and went to the hospital folks. I had strep throat.

I was instructed to slow down and rest for a couple of days and given medicine.

Today was the first day I finally had no soreness or anything and although it was in the high 50 it was raining so I didn't want to go out in the rain.

Tomorrow I will be back at it and I'm rearing to go.

I have been on all the calls and have remained up to date on Boot Camp Members progress and I must say you guys are doing a great job.

Peace, Love and God's Blessings.

Herbert Gordon

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Saturdays Journal

Saturday December 06, 2008

Today I did not go out canvassing. Now I did go to my job site for two hours but I came right home. I have a sore throat and my body is letting me know it is trying to fight off a cold. So whenever my body warns me with symptoms; scratchy throat, running nose and soreness I immediately shut my body down. I do as little moving around as possible allowing it to use as much energy as it can to correct (heal) the problem. I rest. I slept most of the day.

I did not do any calls or anything today I just rested. I already feel much better. I will do my follow ups, some advertising send out my business letters and also rest tomorrow. I guarantee you come Monday I'll be as fit as new.

Yesterday on the call I attempted to explain what those of you who have a hard time approaching people can do. I recommended that you practice speaking to people in front of the mirror. You will be amazed as to how much easier it will be for you to talk to people if you do that everyday before you go out.

When you are practicing I want you to practice what ever it is you are going to say to them and then let yourself experience all different scenarios. Just pretend, this person said no, this person said I'm sorry I don't have time to talk. This person gave you a look and kept walking, this person said yes. Do it over and over by yourself with yourself.

But here is what you do when you practice. No matter what scenario your pretending they said, you're response will always be to smile and say thank you. Now remember you're doing this in front of a mirror. Yes I know your talking to yourself. And most of us were taught that people who talk to themselves are crazy. LOL You're not crazy and trust me this will make it so much easier for you to talk to people.

I want you to get to a point where there's nothing that anyone can say to you that you haven't already practiced. Just remember no matter what they say you're response is to smile and say thank you. If you master this you will no longer have any anxiety, fears or worries about what people are thinking or what they are going to say when you talk to them.

You have not failed at what your doing because someone you just tried to help said no. There no has nothing to do with you it has everything to do with them.

Trust me when I tell you most of the people we talk to aren't even listening to what we are saying. They are engrossed in their problems, their own person dramas. Life is tough for most people today. We are all worried about something. Plus 90% of those that do hear you immediately don't believe you. Why? Because it sounds to good to be true. Especially if your using the line excuse me, My name is Herbert Gordon can I ask you a quick question. Would you be interested in learning about a company I'm working with that will allow you to Save and Earn Income On Everything You Buy. They do not believe you. Even those who say sure I would and give you the information do not believe it. That's why you want to get them to watch the video.

Last month I was at the super market and a lady with two young kids was leaving the store with a cart overflowing with groceries. Her cart was so full that she was using her body to keep things from falling out. I approached her and said excuse me miss My name is ___________ and I'm doing a survey for a maketing company. Can I ask you one quick question? She has not stopped walking so I'm walking beside her. Some of her groceries fall out of the cart so she stops. I pick up the packages hand it to her and say would you be interested in learning how you could have earned income for everything you just brought. How you can get paid for buying groceries. She looked at me with a smirk and said look buddy get lost. I smiled said Thank You and went on my way. I would have handed her a card but I didn't have them then. Folks she didn't hear a word I said. LOL

You see even though MY POWER MALL TOGETHER WE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD is a business that everybody can benefit from, everybody isn't ready for it. But our business will always be ready when they are finally ready for it. And as sure as the sun will shine tomorrow sooner or later they will be ready.

Peace, Love and God's Blessings.

Herbert Gordon
860 386-9022

Friday, December 5, 2008

Fridays Journal

Hi All.

Just got off the call.

I received a call from one of my downline members Tran. I've been spending a lot of time with Tran he calls me almost every day with questions. He was a follow up who joined as a World Changer. He was shopping on his mall and wanted more information about the Gas Rebate. Now he was not a part of the Boot Camp Training he was one of my warm list members I was working on as I was participating in the boot camp.

The point is on days when you can't get out or if you don't have any to follow up on board yet there's still someone that you can talk to. Who? Your non World Changer members. If you have members who are not World Changers follow up on them. Tran signed up two world Changers the day after he became a World Changer. Why?

Because he sees and understands he has something that will help people he knows. He feels telling them is what he suppose to do. He said I tell people about a good movie I've seen why wouldn't I tell them how they can earn and save money on everything they buy.

Ladies and Gentlemen as a World Changer we are the Angel we have been looking for and now rather we realize it or not have become the Angels that people are looking for. When you tell a person that you can show them a way to SAVE & EARN INCOME from everything they purchase. If they say no, they did not here you. Trust me there mind is on whatever problem they are dealing with in life. It went right over they're head.

Everyday there is someone who is searching for you. If you just talk to people they will find you. You just have to talk, trust me they will find you.

Today I didn't go anywhere but a job site and back home. Sent out some letters and made some calls. Sent out some advertising and made a list of businesses I am going to mail (snail mail) to.

While coming home I couldn't help but notice the Christmas lights and home and lawn decorations all over. I passed one house and it was overflowing with lights. Lights on the house, in every window, on the trees and bushes. They even had deers and santa clause all lit up right down to a deer with a red nose. LOL. It was beautiful.

A voice in my head said now there's a World Changer that doesn't even know they are a World Changer. I stopped took down the address got the name off the post office box and I sent them a letter similar to Ginny's new intro with my card and told them to call me when convienent as I was working with a group who were working to make the world a better place. I asked if she would be interested in helping. I said she would be able to save and earn from everything she buys and would even receive a $300.00 Gas Rebate Certificate.

Why did I do that? Because when I saw the house I immediately saw someone who wanted to make Christmas a happy Day for all. Someone who hoped to put a smile on some childs face. I saw a World Changer. Are they? I don't know but it's what I felt and I always trust my feelings even though the voice in my head was saying what are you doing? (while I was taking the name from the mailbox)

Today I got my five at a package store where I buy my scratch lottery tickets. What? Herbert you buy lottery tickets. I sure do. But I give them away. So far over 100 people have won $653.00. I know that amount because they cash them in immediately and the store owner keeps tabs. Now this is over a period of one year. But I may have given away more because I put some in newspapers and grocery stores under the baby food. I even leave them at ATM machines. LOL

Helping other people to get what they want and need is the road to abundance. Why? Because you can have anything you want in life if you just help enough other people get what they want.

And guess what? That is exactly what your doing when you sign up a World Changer.

Peace Love and God's Blessing To You All.

Herbert Gordon
860 386-9022


My Weekly Report

Monday December, 01, 2008

On Monday I continued with my follow up routine of contacting people I had obtained information from and sent letters to. Most of them had not looked at the site yet. Some said they watched part of it but did not watch the whole thing. Some said it was to long and they didn't have time to watch it all. Some said they couldn't afford it and of course there were also some who said they were not interested.

I handled each one differently. Those who had not watched the video I asked them when would they like me to check back with them and then I set up a date and time to do so.

Those who said it was too long I told them that quite a few other people had told me the same thing. I explained that the company was also aware of their concerns and was in the process of making a much shorter video. But while I have you on the line do you have time for me to tell you a little more about the company and what we are about. I then told them we were a company who's main purpose was to help one another and by working together we are able to save and earn money on every thing we buy. I always end my comments with a question they have to say yes to. So I'd say would you like to save and earn money on all the gifts you're going to buy during the holiday season. They would say yes and I would say that's exactly what they would be able to do with a World Changer Mall. Some would say something to the effect that this year they wouldn't be buying much due to the economy. I would say I feel you and truly understand. Then I would say well how about if I can show you a way to earn income whenever you buy your groceries. They would say of course. Then I would say well as a World Changer you can earn income from buying groceries. They would ask how can I do that and I would say check out the video and I call you tomorrow and answer any question you have.

Basically I would direct the conversation in a way that would hopefully make them want to see the video and automatically give me their phone number.

Those who said they could not afford it I would explain that they could sign up for a business mall for free and I would personally work with them and teach them how they could build the business to the level where it paid for the World Changer, always emphasizing that a World Changer Mall was what they were striving to obtain.

I enjoy talking with people and my life is all about helping people. It's what I have been doing even before I became a member of My Power Mall.

Tuesday December 02, 2008

I want to say that even though I am working on follow up every day no matter where I go I am still talking to people and getting my five. At Dunkin Doughnuts this morning I got two and passed out nine cards. At 7-11 I got one name and passed out five card and the owner even let me leave some in the store. At the gas station did the same thing. I try to get as many names as I can during the day I don't stop because I have my five.

Wednesday December 03, 2008

I had to pick up an Executive from Honda Corporation today. So I went to the airport early and placed some cards on the cars in the short term parking lot. While waiting for Mike's flight to arrive I went to the baggage claim area and talked with people there. I got my five in no time.

Thursday December 04, 2008

We had a pot luck dinner for the cast of God Given Productions tonight and I followed up with everybody there. In fact the topic around the table was all about MY POWER MALL TOGETHER WE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD. I have no doubt that some of the cast will be joining soon.

Today a different Dunkin Doughnuts, gas station and CVS Pharmacy was visited where I handed out my cards. When I give them the cards I just say would you like to save and earn money on all your Christmas Shopping. A yes question. Then check this out and I can either call you or you can call me tomorrow and then tell you how you can even save on buying your groceries.

God Bless You and have a great day.

If your reading this and you are not a World Changer click below.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Six Day Journal

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sorry for the delay with these blogs but I had computer problems. Anyway Sunday I passed out about 30 cards at a church I was a visiting speaker but I did not actually ask anybody for there information because I was told it was not allowed to approach people about any business ventures in church and definitely not on Sundays. The Pastor's rule.

However, I discussed the possibility of setting up a fund raiser for their youth program with the Youth Director but he didn't have time to talk in length. He took the card and said he would call me. I contacted him later in the evening but he said he had not looked at it as yet.

I did some follow up calls to my regular follow up list (before the Boot Camp Program)and also to the people I had contacted earlier this week (Boot Camp). Well one from my regular follow up list signed up as a World Changer. Three people who are a result of the Boot Camp Training Program indicated they were interested but did not have the funds to become a World Changer at this time. I asked them when would be a good time to check back with them and they all in one way or another indicated after the first of the year. I explained that they needed to get in before Christmas as this is the biggest shopping season of the year and now (yesterday) is the time they should be introducing others to this program. Their answer was well let me think about it. I said fine. I'll call you next week.

I also visited with the administrative employee I spoke about in an earlier blog and walked her through the system with my lap top. She doesn't have a computer but plans to get one over the holidays. I suggested she join first and then purchase the computer from her mall. I explained she would save and earn some money at the same time. She said the computer was going to be her Xmas gift from her parents and she would talk to them about doing this. So we will see what happens.

I also sent out follow up letters to all those who I was unable to contact by phone and will retry calling them tomorrow.

Herbert Gordon
860 386-9022

Monday, December 1, 2008

Saturday, 11/29/08

Well Saturday was a very hectic day. You see I am in a neighborhood Gospel Stage Play and tonight we - GOD GIVEN PRODUCTION GROUP are putting on our third show. I am not only an actor in the play but I am the jack of all trade per se so I'm running around getting things set up, decorating the stage, setting up the sound system, additional lighting etc. So I did not get out at all to talk with people today.

But here is what I did do. I placed a card in each of the programs and after the show I made a short request for them to check out my business site and call me with any questions. There were only about 40-50 people in attentance. But the programs were designed with a special page requesting the audience to give us feedback on the show. It requested there name, email address and phone numbers so we could place them on a mailing list to receive information on future productions plus receive discounts on ticket prices.

Dave the producer of God Given Productions did not think it was proper to canvass the people who came to the show about a business after the show but he was ok with me putting cards in the program and mentioning it at the end of the evening. He agreed to provide me with the programs after they have reviewed them for feedback information. So Tuesday I should have depending how many people actually filled them out quite a few people to contact.

Where there's a will there's a way.

If you have any questions or need assistance with anything feel free to contact me at anytime.

Have a wonderful day and remember to live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, share and be the best to yourself.

Love You,

Herbert Gordon,
860 386-9022

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Friday 11/28/08

First let me say that last night after the call I did not go back out to get my five sign ups. I had only one sign up before I joined the call and Jackie & Ginny both reminded me that I still had plenty time when the call was over to get those other sign ups. But instead of going out I got on the phone and contacted people I know and in about an hour I had the other four. But then I began reading the other members blogs and got so into reading the blogs I forgot to post the information. But I just wanted everyone to know that I did get them.

I want to again say I am really excited about the World Changer Reality Boot Camp and after reading so many of the blogs I can see many of you are just as excited.

Well, today the first thing I did was go to Kinkos and had my cards printed. Now I know I should have ordered them from the print shop on my mall but I wanted those cards today and I just did not want to wait a couple of days for them to arrive. So I had 500 cards completely printed and boxed in less than 45 minutes.

While I was waiting for the cards I went outside and began speaking with everyone leaving Kinkos and in about 15 or 20 minutes I had received three prospects information before the cards were even finished. When I left out with the cards I immediately went directly across the street to a check cashing establishment and with the owners permission I left a stack of cards displayed at the counter. He even gave me a card holder to put them in. I then went next door to a washer & dryer facility and did the same thing. I also left some cards at various stores (3) that have ATM machines. Placing the cards right next to the ATMS. (of course with the owners permission)

Later in the day I went to a Stop and Shop to pick up some lunch meat. I am a breakfast person and a sandwich type guy. I don't eat big dinners and I don't eat fast food products other than pizza's. Anyway as I went into the store I noticed that the Salvation Army volunteer was outside colleting donations. You've all probably seen them this time of the year out in front of stores ringing the bell. Well anyway I made a note to myself to stop and talk with the person on my way out. I did not approach anybody inside the store as it was way to crowded.

On my way out I made a donation and struck up a conversation with the volunteer. And guess what her name was? Ginny. Talking about coincidence. I just love it when the Universe shows me signs like that. COINCIDENCE = MIRACLES IN MOTION.

Well Ginny would not give me her information but she was very interested in learning more about My Power Mall and Together We Can Change The World & how as a World Changer she could help the salvation army if she was a member. So she took the card as I told her she could get all her questions answered by visiting the site. But I also told her that even though she wouldn't give me her number, if she had any more question after checking out the website that I wouldn't hold that against her, she had my number and to feel free to contact me at any time.

As I stood talking with her I also passed out cards and struck up conversations with everyone who stopped and gave a donation. There action of giving made it clear to me that these were giving and caring people. Just the kind of person that would identify with My Power Mall and Together We Can Change The World World. I stayed there for over an hour and before I left I had obtained information from 12 people. I would have stayed longer but it was getting cold and I really wasn't dressed for standing outside. However, if these people sign up I will be visiting all the Stop & Shops around town. LOL

I have decided today that for the next sixty days I am going to concentrate entirely on this World Changer Reality Boot Camp. You see I am a Internet Marketer and I promote over 50 products and services on the Internet everyday. My computer makes me money every day but I will be the first to tell you that none of my products generate $2000.00 each and every month. But I am going to stop everything and concentrate totally on this.

I would be so thrilled to be the proof that anybody and everybody who follows the step by step proceedures laid out for us can go from 0 to $2000.00 in sixty days. But if it doesn't happen it really doesn't matter to me because I realize that the $2000.00 isn't really the point.

You see whatever the amount is that is made in these sixty days, the thing I know and want us all to realize is this. Whatever the amount is, with this business as a WORLD CHANGER it will just keep growing from month to month for the rest of your life. Folks there is nothing else in the entire internet that allows you to be able to do that. Nothing.

Have a wonderful day and remember to live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, share and be the best to yourself.

Love You,

Herbert Gordon,
860 380-6558
Skype ID - herbert.gordon

PS. To anyone reading this blog who is not a World Changer and you wish to learn more. Click here:


Friday, November 28, 2008


Friday, 11/28/08

I spent so much time reading the other members blogs last night I forgot to post. But I just want to say that I did get four more people to make my five after the call.

I am really excited about this boot camp and after reading so many post I can see that I'm not the only one.

Today the first thing I did was go get my cards printed at kinko's. Now I know I should have had them printed from the print shop on my mall but I wanted those cards today and I just didn't want to wait.

I had 500 cards made up and they were printed and boxed in about twenty minutes. While waiting for my order I went outside and begin talking with everyone leaving and had three prospects even before the cards were done.

I then immediately walked across the street placed some of the cards at the local check cashing facility & a clothes wash & dryer facility. I also left some at a number of local stores that have ATM Machines. Placed the cards right next to the ATM Machines.(of course with the store owners permission) Now I was talking to everyone I met along the way and even though I didn't get their information they were willing to take the card and said they would check it out.

Later I went to a local Stop & Shop to get some lunch meat. I'm a sandwich type of guy don't eat big dinners and don't eat fast food products other than pizzas. Anyway when I went in I notice that the salvation army have set up outside collecting donations. You all have probably seen them out there this time of the year ringing the bell outside of stores and made a note myself to talk with the person on my way out.

I didn't approach anybody inside the store it was to crowded. But when I came out I put some money in the salvation army collection box and stuck up a conversation with the volunteer. She would not give me her information but she was very attentive and wanted to know more about World Changers & how it could help there organization. I explained she could find the answers to all her questions on the web site. She took the card.

While talking with her and guess what her name was? Ginny. How's that for a Coincidence = Miracle In Motion. I just love it when the Universe gives me signs like that, I also struck up conversations with quite a few other people who stopped to give a donation.

There action of giving let me know right off the back that they were giving & caring people. Just the type of people who would appreciate and connect to what MY Power Mall and Together We Can Change The World is about. I stayed there for over and hour and when I decided to leave I had collected 12 names, email addresses and telephone numbers. I would have stayed longer but it was getting cold and I wasn't really dressed to be standing out side. But if these people sign up I will be going to all the Shop & Shops around town. LOL

I have decided that for the next sixty days I will concentrate all my efforts on the World Changer Reality Boot Camp. As a Internet Marketer I market over 50 different products. My computer makes money everyday but with all the marketing and advertising I do although I do ok I will be the first to tell you I do not generate $2000.00 each and every month from any of them. So I am going to concentrate on just World Changers for the next 60 days and see if I can make this really happen.

It would give me the greatest pleasure to prove that anyone and everybody who follows just the step by step proceedures laid out in this boot camp can go from 0 to earning $2000.00 in sixty days. But the $2000.00 is really not the point.

The thing to realize about MY POWER MALL - TOGETHER WE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD & WORLD CHANGERS is that with this business what ever it is after 60 days will grow from month to month for the rest of your life. Folks, nothing else out here offers you that. Nothing.

Have a wonderful day and remember to live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, share and be the best to yourself.

Love You,

Herbert Gordon,
860 386-9022
Skype ID - herbert.gordon

PS. To those reading this who are not members and wish to learn more about what WORLD CHANGERS is about click below:

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Three Day Journal

Hello Fellow Boot Camp Members,

My apologies to you all for not doing my part in posting daily but please know I am totally committed to do what we have been assigned to do. It's just that sometimes no matter how well laid out my plans are life gets in the way.

MONDAY - 11/24/08

I was away for the weekend and returned home late Sunday and found out that World Changer Reality Boot Camp had started. To tired to set up the first five steps I told myself that I would get some sleep get up early like 4 AM and complete my set up. However I didn't wake up until 8:00 AM. Awaiting in my email box was already a email from Ginny informing me that I was the only one who had not completed the sign up and she wanted to know if I had changed my mind.

I immediately sent her an email and told her I would have it completed by 10:00 AM and I indeed wanted to be apart of what I believe we will all one day look back on as one of the greatest events of this company.

So quick as a bunny I proceeded to complete my set up. Email to Ginny that I accept. It specifically said read requirement first. Did I do that? No. I didn't care what they were I wanted to be a part of this no matter what. So off and running I go, blog done, send blog address to Ginny & Jackie done, send picture done. It's 9:30 AM
only half hour left. Next step add to your story my mind says what story. Email says it's at the end of the letter. Scroll down read my story. What should I add. Thinking thinking it's 9:45. Starting to sweat. Decide story will have to do as is.
Foundation mall I have one but forgot the number. Rush to my site, go into back office pull up geneolgy report. Loading loading come on I say to the computer, 9:50 really sweating now scalp is itching. Ok it's uploaded searching searching find it. Ok foundation done. Next item says film your first video. I go oh no I doomed. Don't have a camcorder. It's now 9:59 so I send all completed information to Ginny and explain I'll do video later. Whew.

Now I finish reading the letter and see we are to get together everyday by phone 8:00AM or 5:00PM. So I go take shower make coffee and join the 8:00 a clock call. WOW

After the call I head out to my day job. I am a consultant and I'm curently working on two major projects as the owners representative. I monitor the projects on the owners behalf. I do this really on the side to force myself to get out of the house and away from my computer because my full time job is Internet Marketing. I literally live on the computer. If I didn't do this on the side I would be sitting at the computer 10 - 12 hours a day.

There are a total of 37 people curently working on these projects. I spoke to all of them today and to my surprise 28 don't even have a computer. Needless to say not one person was interested. I realized that for what ever reason construction workers are just not interested in a home base business and those who did have computers don't have time. They are all burned out at the end of the day and just want to go home and rest. Plus most of these guys make 200 - 400 dollars per/day. They are not the ideal persons for what I am offering.

Tuesday - 11/25/08

Today during lunch time I speak to four people at a local resturant, the cashier at the gas station, the owner of the cleaners and people I came in contact with at a 7-11 convience store. Not interested. But I'm determined to have my five before I call in tonight.

I don't have anybody else to talk to at the job site because I already spoke to everybody here yesterday. So from there I leave and head to rehearsal. I am also a part time actor and also do voice over work year round in different neighborhood productions. Rehersal is from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM but I have to leave early because I need to be on the call at 8:00 PM. So I make an announcement at rehearsal about the World Changer Reality Boot Camp Program and four people give me there information. I get home at 8:45 PM and immediately call in. While on the call I get a call from one of the members who signed up at rehearsal who tells me her mother would also like to receive the information. Wa-La, I have my five.

On the call I find out we are suppose to get five everyday for the next 60 days. I thought we were just suppose to get five and then work with them to get five, then those five to get five and so on.. I had it all wrong.

Now for me that's not really going to be a problem but it does change how I go about doing this.

Wednesday 11/26/08

When I arrive a the job site I find that the Project Manager has hired a new administrative assistant. We get to talking and it turns out she lives in the same apartment complex I use to live in and she actually lives in my old unit D-2. This is what people call a coincidence but I know there is no such thing as a coincidence. Coincidences are really miracles in motion. I realize immediately that we were suppose to meet. I tell her about the program and she is really excited about getting more information. There is only one problem. She does not have a computer and her email address is to her phone. She says look Herbert if you can show me how I can be earning $2000 per/mo in 60 days I'll go to the library and do it. My kinda girl. A can do will do get done person. So I made an appointment to go by her house on Saturday with my lap top and show her the program.

I am happy that I have at least one person to log in today.

Well tonight on the call Ginny and Jackie both made me aware that this progrma is based on five people per/day and I still had time to go out and get the other four. It has sunk in now that this boot camp training is based on getting five people daily and that it's mandatory. No excuses, do what ever we have to do, talk to as many people as we have to but get five people. Now I understand totally what we are expected to do.

Just got off the call so I will be calling people I know until I get those four more.

Folks I believe we are a part of something extrodinary as members of My Power Mall and as World Changers we can and will make a difference in the world and I am going to attack this with invincible determination.

To be selected as one of the 25 to participate in this effort when you consider that there are over 148,000 members to me is not only a great honor but a unique privilege. We have been given an opportunity to spread a message of success and prosperity that is available for all people.

People are looking for what we have to offer. In fact they need what we have to offer. We just have to go out there and show them where to find it.

Folks having mentors like Ginny and Jackie and this wonderful boot camp allowes us to create success for ourselves and others so much faster and easier than doing it by yourself.

That's why I am so passionate about sharing World Changers with everyone.

We can do this. OH YES WE CAN.

To all those who are reading this. This is a God Given Opportunity.

If you want to learn more.

Monday, November 24, 2008

World Changer Journal

Hello Future Business Partners,

I address this blog to future partners because i truly believe that all those who are blessed to read this information will see that it makes no sense not to be a part of this unique God Given Opportunity.

It is now possible for every man, women and child to have there own home base business that will guarantee them unlimited monthly income. This business is not only a business that will help you but it will help change the world.

This blog will be a journal of exactly what anybody and everybody can do to change there lives and the lives of family and loved ones.

Hi, My name is Herbert Gordon and I am a member of an exclusive group of World Changer Members who have taken the steps to work together as a group to show anyone & everyone interested in changing their lives exactly how and what they can do to achieve Financial Freedom.

I am 63 years old the father of 7 children and three grand children. I have been a member of My Power Mall/ World Changer for approximately 16 months and all I will say to you at this time is this:


I will be documenting on a daily basis exactly what I do and will show you exactly what to do to build your own successful home business but even more than that we will be showing you how by working together we can actually change the world for the betterment of all.


Plus we are going to show all how it can be done from what you are already doing each and every day.

The timing of this event is not by "chance". It is rather an integral part of the ongoing awakening that is progressively taking place, and the paving of the way for the forces of Light to illuminate humanity.

A World Changer we have the ability to unite the world. Currently with over 147,000 members and in 22 countries all over the world.

I am also absolutely certain that World Changers & Together We can Change The World which was created with compassion for empowering all people to be able to help each other. It is also the only company that I am aware of that is available today that is able to help all people especially those who have been inadvertently hurt during the financial crisis in many different ways, due directly to the extreme greed and disregard for human life of the few.

Ginny Dye the owner has created a company that is in essence a God Ordained Given Opportunity. People joining this company instinctively know from her Energy that she is one of them and not part of the establishment - not another figurehead and rubber stamp for some powers behind a company whose only ambition is control and power, regardless of the human collateral damage. Everything she does is for the members.

So if you want to change your life and the lives of your family, friends and loved ones I suggest you book mark this blog because we are going to show you exactly how you can do it.


Always keep in Mind that regardless of what happens next in the world or in your Life, you have the infinite power within you as an expression of the Divine, through Mind Principle to experience anything and everything you wish, regardless of what happens in the dramas, trials and tribulations of outer "World" of matter.

Become a World Changer and We Can Change The World.

Herbert Gordon
860 386-9022
skype - herbert.gordon